Welcome to the Department of Biomedical Engineering Technology

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Department Head


Dr. Abdul Mannan

Biomedical engineering is one of the fastest-growing sectors in global health innovation and product development. In 2013, Forbes, a famous American magazine, placed biomedical engineering at the top of their “most valuable majors” list of university programs. The United States ranks the field first with USD 140-180 billion/year industry, which is more than one third of world market. Medical devices and technologies are growing at a rate of 10 per cent annually. Internationally, the medical devices market is a USD 327.7 billion industry whereas Canada ranks this field at number nine with USD 6.8 billion in estimated sales revenue.
Bio-engineering applies the basic principles of engineering to the development of innovative methods for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries as well as playing a crucial role in the advancement of medical devices and technologies. It is an interdisciplinary subject, which combines wide-ranging scientific knowledge with technological processes and engineering skills to provide systems for many applications.


Keeping in view the gap between supply and demand of biomedical engineering/technology professionals, BSc (Biomedical Engineering Technology) program at NFC Institute of Engineering and Technology was commenced in 2016. The program is maiden in Southern Punjab region, providing students deep theoretical and practical understanding of the key areas with the help of qualified teachers from academia & industry and on state of the art biomedical engineering equipment. The students of the pioneer batch (2K16) have passed seven semesters and are on mandatory six months training leading to employment in many cases.

Program Objectives

An undergraduate program in Biomedical Engineering/Technology provides a strong foundation in the basic sciences, mathematics, engineering and life sciences. The educational foundation, coupled with opportunities for extracurricular experiences, research/internship opportunities, teaching, advising and mentoring, provides a broad pathway for students to pursue a wide variety of post-graduate opportunities such as:

  •   Utilization and enhancement of the engineering and biological training to solve problems regarding health and health care based on ethically sound principles
  •   Development of leadership in the respective career in biomedical engineering and clinical practices
  •   Graduates are trained to apply knowledge of biosciences, mathematics and engineering in practical domains
  •   Biomedical engineers/technologists are able to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
  •   Graduates are professionals capable to function effectively on multidisciplinary teams

Faculty at NFC-IET have impeccable qualifications, extensive expertise and experience in their chosen fields and an overriding commitment to the welfare of their students. Our faculty is one of the biggest reasons why students select NFC-IET.

  •   BS BioMedical Engineering Technology


Department has recently equipped following state of the art labs with modern equipment

  •   Human Physiology and Anatomy Lab
  •   Computer Lab
  •   Bio-Mechanics Lab
  •   BioMaterials Lab
  •   Electrical Lab
  •   Bio Physics Lab
  •   Bio Chemistry Lab


BioMedical Engineering department is a purpose built building that offers ample space for laboratories, training rooms, spacious class rooms, meeting and discussions rooms, video conference rooms, and faculty offices.

Facilities in the labs are for better learning and to prepared them to fulfill the future job requirements. Following facilities are available in our lab:

  • Auditorium       
  • Air conditioned classrooms
  • Access of Free Wifi
  • Highly Equipped computers for specialized applications
  • Research clusters

Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

  •   Apply biomedical engineering knowledge to identify and address technical and societal problems.
  •   Be able to take initiative and/or develop innovative ideas for technological and professional growth keeping in view their societal and environmental impacts.
  •   Learn continously and work effectively as a team lead in a multi-disciplinary environment while demonstrating interpersonal and managerial skills with ethical responsibilities.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  •   Engineering Technology Knowledge (SA1): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, Engineering Technology fundamentals and Engineering technology specialization to defined and applied Engineering Technology procedures, processes, systems or methodologies.
  •   Problem Analysis (SA2): An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems reaching substaintiated conclusions using analytical tools appropriate to the discipline or area of specialization.
  •   Design/Development of Solutions (SA3): An ability to design solutions for broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems and contribute to the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  •   Investigation (SA4): An ability to conduct investigations of broadly-defined problems; locate, search and select relevant data from codes, databases and literature, design and conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions.
  •   Modern Tool usage (SA5): An ability to select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technology and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to broadly-defined Engineering Technology problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
  •   The Engineering Technologist and Society (SA6): An ability to demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to Engineering Technology practice and solutions to broadly defined Engineering Technology problems.
  •   Environment and Sustainability (SA7): An ability to understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of Engineering Technology work in the solution of broadly defined Engineering Technology problems in societal and environmental contexts.
  •   Ethics (SA8): Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Engineering Technology practice.
  •   Individual and Team Work (SA9): An ability to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams.
  •   Communication (SA10): An ability to communicate effectively on broadly defined Engineering Technology activities with the Engineering Technologist community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  •   Project Management (SA11): An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Engineering Technology management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member or leader in a team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  •   Lifelong Learning (SA12): An ability to recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in specilist Engineering Technologies.

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