At present, we have three libraries. One of the libraries of the Institute is situated in Electrical Engineering Block. The main hall is well furnished, air-conditioned and has independent study cabins. It has textbooks, reference books, Science & Engineering Encyclopedias, Training Manuals, Technical Literature, Magazine and journals to meet the needs of the faculty and students. The library at the moment has over twenty five thousand books which are under use for study, training and research purpose. In addition, latest and contemporary issues of international journals and magazines of the relevant disciplines are also available for the pursuance of research activities.

NFC IET library by the end of 2021, there are 20,000 collections, 50,000 digital resources platforms, including 5 databases, more than 40,000 electronic books, and more than 5,000 theses. Library has established service concepts as “reader needs as the center” and “seeking needs to move”, carried out the thinking of “delicacy management”, brought forth new ideas in management and service model, constantly strengthened the digital and network construction, and build discipline services platform and independent innovation learning platform , provided high quality , Efficient, and perfect information resources and service guarantee teaching and scientific research of our school.

The library has access to on-line digital library through HEC’S PERN System, which is the flagship program of HEC. The Audio-Visual section of the library has over one hundred videocassettes on diverse topics like operation of different machines, pumps, compressors etc. maintenance of these machines and other technical and general engineering issues. A separate library for Chemical Engineering students has been created in the old Chemical Engineering Block and for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, & Environmental Engineering programmes, a library is established in Dr. Akhtar Ali Kalrou Block. These libraries have similar facilities as that of Electrical Engineering Block.